Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin (2021)
B.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder (2015)
Research Positions
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University (2021 - present)
- Project: Image processing algorithms with application to cryo-EM
Advisors: Dr. Amit Singer
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin (2016 - 2021)
- Project: Systems-level structural biology of macromolecular machines using single particle cryo-EM
Advisors: Dr. David Taylor and Dr. Edward Marcotte
Guest Researcher, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) at Boulder (2015-2016)
- Project: Molecular diffusion through a crowded matrix
Advisors: Dr. Jeeseong Hwang and Dr. Loren Hough
Undergraduate Researcher, University of Colorado at Boulder (2013-2015)
- Project: Mechanisms of selective transport through nuclear pore complex mimics
Advisor: Dr. Loren Hough
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant: Physical Methods of Biochemistry (2018)
- Teaching Assistant: Physical Methods of Biochemistry (2017)
- University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2020
- Understanding Biology Through Structure travel award, 2020
- Gordon Research Conference travel award, 2019
- David Bruton Jr. Graduate School Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2018
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014
- HHMI Undergraduate Research Fellow, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2013
Talks and Conferences
Cryo-EM Summer Workshop, Flatiron Institute, NYC, June 2023
SIAM conference on Mathematics of Data Science, San Diego, September 2022
IPAM long program on Computational Microscopy, UCLA, September 2022 - December 2022
Gordon Research Seminar and Conference for 3DEM, Castelldefels, Spain, June 2022
Title: Don’t Purify in Vein! Structural Insights from Red Blood Cell LysateUnderstanding Biology Through Structure, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 2020 (meeting cancelled)
Title: Developments in shotgun cryo-EM - probing the diversity of protein structures from lysates of red blood cellsGordon Research Seminar and Conference for 3DEM, Hong Kong, China, June 2019
Title: Separating distinct structures of multiple macromolecular assemblies from cryo-EM projections