
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin (2021)
B.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder (2015)

Research Positions

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University (2021 - present)

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin (2016 - 2021)

Guest Researcher, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) at Boulder (2015-2016)

Undergraduate Researcher, University of Colorado at Boulder (2013-2015)


Sae-Lee W., McCafferty C.L., Verbeke E.J., Havugimana P.C., Papoulas O., McWhite C.D., Houser J.R., Vanuytsel K., Murphy G.J., Drew K., Emili A., Taylor D.W., Marcotte E.M. (2022).
The protein organization of a red blood cell.
Cell Reports

Lucas M.J., Pan H.S., Verbeke E.J., Partipilo G, Helfman E.C., Kann L, Keitz B.K., Taylor D.W., Webb L.J. (2022).
Cross-Seeding Controls Aβ Fibril Populations and Resulting Functions.
J. Phys. Chem. B.

McCafferty, C.M., Verbeke, E.J., Marcotte, E.M., Taylor, D.W. (2020).
Structural Biology in the Multi-Omics Era.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.

Lucas, M.J.*, Pan, H.S.*, Verbeke, E.J.*, Webb, L.J., Taylor, D.W., Keitz, K.K. (2020).
Functionalized Mesoporous Silicas Direct Structural Polymorphism of Amyloid-β Fibrils.

Verbeke, E.J., Zhou, Y., Horton, A.P., Mallam, A.L, Taylor, D.W., Marcotte, E.M. (2020).
Separating distinct structures of multiple macromolecular assemblies from cryo-EM projections.
J. Struct. Biol.

Yi, X.*, Verbeke, E.J.*, Chang, Y.*, Dickinson, D.J., Taylor, D.W. (2019).
Electron microscopy snapshots of single particles from single cells.
J. Biol. Chem.

Verbeke, E.J., Mallam, A.L., Drew, K., Marcotte, E.M., and Taylor, D.W. (2018).
Classification of Single Particles from Human Cell Extract Reveals Distinct Structures.
Cell Reports

Wall, K.P., Pagratis, M., Armstrong, G., Balsbaugh, J.L., Verbeke, E., Pearson, C.G., Hough, L.E. (2016).
Molecular Determinants of Tubulin’s C-Terminal Tail Conformational Ensemble.
ACS Chem. Biol.

Teaching Experience


Talks and Conferences

Full CV contact: ev9102[at]